Get latest prices, models & wholesale prices for buying Sterillium Hand Disinfectant. £8.16. Sterillium hand sanitizer can provides effective care against disease causing bacteria and also protect against harmful germs. Sterillium Protect & Care Desinfektionsgel eignet sich zur hygienischen Händedesinfektion für zu Hause und unterwegs. Keimschutz aus der Klinik – jetzt auch für zu Hause und unterwegs. The hands get clean and fresh with this sanitizer and is more effective than regular sanitizers. Sterillium Protect & Care Desinfektionsgel ist dank seiner Formulierung mit 85% Gew.- % Ethanol schnell wirksam gegen Bakterien, Pilze und behüllte Viren, sowie Norovirus und Rotavirus. Sterillium Protect & … Multimedia Sterillium ® Protect & Care Desinfektionstücher Fläche Anwendungsbild Die Sterillium® Protect & Care Desinfektionstücher Hände auf Alkoholbasis gewährleisten eine schnelle Wirkung gegen Bakterien, Hefepilze, umhüllte Viren und Rotaviren.Dabei entfernen sie 99,99% der Keime und versprechen eine sehr gute Hautverträglichkeit. Email to a Friend. Search trend for sterillium protect care It can be used at home, and also for medicinal purpose. Prices and ratings for "Sterillium Gel" compare products and find the best offers on Switzerland’s largest price comparison | The hand disinfectant with norovirus effectiveness within hygienic hand disinfection. As well as the ones using it to protect the lives of others – the lives of you and your loved ones. was discovered on 2018-06-22. Get latest details on Sterillium Hand Disinfectant, Sterillium Hand Sanitizer prices, models & wholesale prices in Ahmedabad, Gujarat The most important part of Sterillium® is the science and the people around our product. Sterillium Protect & Care Desinfektionstücher Fläche aus dem Flowpack benetzen die Flächen gründlich und wirken schnell sogar auf empfindlichen Oberflächen. Availability: Out of stock. Find here Sterillium Hand Disinfectant, Sterillium Hand Sanitizer dealers, retailers, stores & distributors. The gel is effective against bacteria, fungi, enveloped viruses (as well as noroviruses) and rotaviruses. Sterillium® is the classic among the alcohol-based disinfectants for hygienic and surgical hand disinfection. With the proven Sterillium skin care complex. Sterillium 1000ml SKU: 973490i. Those that work every day to improve its effectiveness, secure its quality and research for infection prevention. For 50 years, it has proven its worth in practice … Alle Sterillium® Protect & Care Produkte zur Händedesinfektion, Händereinigung und Flächendesinfektion sind mit 99,99 % umfassend wirksam gegen Keime, aber sanft zu Haut und Oberflächen. Product details - Sterillium Protect & Care Surface Disinfectant The Sterillium & Care surface disinfectant by Hartmann, as a spray bottle, is a ready-to-use disinfectant spray for sensitive surfaces and can be ideally carried in your handbag and used on the go. Sterillium Protect & Care Disinfection Gel is a practical and effective gel for hand disinfection. Be the first to review this product. Es trocknet schnell auf und ist sanft zur Haut. This hand sanitizer is not soap based, it alcohol based. Find here Sterillium Hand Disinfectant dealers, retailers & distributors in Ahmedabad, स्टेरिलियम का सैनिटाइजर विक्रेता, अहमदाबाद, Gujarat. During application, 99.99% of all germs are removed. Vorteile von Sterillium® Protect & Care Desinfektionstücher Hände Sterillium Protect & Care Gel Fl 475 ml.

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